I took a class at RCC my senior year in high school. It was photo 8. Intro to Photography. I learned how to use film cameras, how to develop film, what an aperture is, how to meter, etc. The main thing I remember about that class is how impatient I am. To develop film you first have to use a black bag made for NO light to leak in, to take the film out of the canister and put it on a film real and into a different canister. Then you go into the dark room and put this canister that has my film reel into some liquid stuff and wait about 15 minutes. (I forgot a lot so bare with me) Then there are like two other liquids that it has to sit in from 5-15 minutes each. Now the film is ready to not get ruined by light. So then you cut the film into strips and put it in this oven to let it dry. So this is now about 30-45 minutes just to process the film into strips. Not even getting prints yet. Now we look at the film and choose what we want to develop and go to an enlarger. Then you play with how much exposure (light passed onto the photo paper) you need, how big you want it, make sure its in focus, and most importantly is that it is dust free.
After you expose light onto the photo paper you develop it. Again with the different liquids where you have to time it, and make sure its in the right temperature etc. Finally you see a picture and then you put it in an over to dry it. At the end you may look at it and realize there are dust spots, or its under/over exposed, its out of focus etc. Wow 45 minutes to get something that looks like crap. I am not patient enough to try again, so that sucked.
So I found DSLR (digital single lens reflex) cameras. I'm in love. I also learned more about photoshop. Even more in love.
So now I have a camera, I am getting photoshop. The only thing missing is the artistic eye. How can I find or see something that will become a cool picture? Can you learn to be creative. Is there a class. Or is it something your born with? I can try and try and try to get creative with my camera or photoshop but I never seem satisfied. (another problem is the technical side. This new camera has a lot more setting than I know so its hard to get more than just point and shoot shots)
There is a point to all this information about my thoughts. I wish I was more creative so I can use it for the glory of God. (after time in the word the other day the one verse that stuck was to do all things for the glory of God) I want to express my love for Christ through photos. but I don't know how. I want to be on the "look out" for ways to express my love for Christ and His love for us through photographs. I HAVE NO CLUE how that will work or what I will find, but its time to start thinking CREATIVE thoughts. and to just go out and shoot :)